LEAF’s newest staff member, Jose Luis Rojas Villereal, joined us in September of 2019 to serve as a Managing Director of LEAF. His role includes the administration of the Massachusetts Food Trust Program in addition to worker cooperative pipeline development & underwriting.
As he joined the team, we are proud to say that Jose Luis also won his race for Cambridge School Committee in a crowded field of candidates! Jose Luis has two children in the Cambridge Public School system, and says he ran because “all our kids deserve the opportunities that come from education”.
Jose Luis plans to bring the skills he has honed over his decades long career in community development and finance to his time on the Committee. Some of his priorities include making sure that the Committee has data-driven discussions, ensuring that all students have access to the highest quality services, and to successfully implement the District’s Strategic Plan.
LEAF is proud to have such engaged community members on its staff, and wishes Jose Luis the best of luck in his new position!